Transfer Sheets
Glazes, Under-Glazes, & Clay
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The Story
An underglaze is a paint composed by a bunch of chemicals that you can add to greenware or bisqued pieces to add color.
Fire on Cone 05 - 10.
High Fire Glazes
A glaze is a paint composed by a bunch of chemicals that, when added to a bisqued piece, it will make that glass shiny cover.
Fire on Cone 5 - 6.
Wax Resist
PC-67 River Rock
PC-66 Cosmic Oil Spot
PC-63 Cosmic Tea Dust
PC-62 Textured Amber Brown
PC-61 Textured Amber
PC-59 Deep Firebrick
PC-58 Tuscany
PC-57 Smokey Merlot
PC-56 Ancient Copper
PC-53 Ancient Jasper
PC-50 Shino
PC-48 Art Deco Green
PC-47 Emerald Falls
PC-46 Lustrous Jade
PC-43 Toasted Sage
PC-42 Seaweed
PC-41 Vert Lustre
PC-37 Smoked Sienna
PC-36 Ironstone
PC-34 Light Sepia
PC-33 Iron Lustre
PC-31 Oatmeal
PC-30 Temmoku
PC-29 Deep Olive Speckle
PC-27 Tourmaline
PC-25 Textured Turquoise
PC-24 Sapphire Float
PC-23 Indigo Float
PC-22 Blue Stone
PC-21 Arctic Blue
PC-20 Blue Rutile
PC-12 Blue Midnight
PC-11 Blue Spark
PC-10 June Bug
PC-9 Vintage Gold
PC-04 Palladium
PC-01 Saturation Metallic
F-10 Clear Transparent